Five Important Dental Health Facts About Amalgam Fillings
Amalgam fillings have a 50% base of mercury that has been combined with other metals. Research has shown the mercury can cause extensive damage to brain function and human tissue. Mercury is toxic to humans and the most common exposure of it is amalgam fillings.
Here are 5 important facts about amalgam fillings:
They Leak: the mercury in fillings creeps into other areas, and has been found several millimeters from the site of the filling. Researchers have also found high concentrations in the area connecting the tooth the gum-this suggests the blood stream was exposed. It has also been found in tartar. It can enter the body through the blood stream, though ingestion, and even inhalation. Once it is in the body it is absorbed quickly and distributed to major organs. It is the kidneys and brain that suffer the greatest damage. It doesn’t take long to develop, studies have found chemical indicators of kidney damage from urine samples of children with amalgam fillings.
Remove with Care: You can absolutely opt to have your amalgam fillings removed and replaced with new fillings. However, this should be done with extreme caution. It requires the dentist to prepare the patient properly before and after the procedure, to minimize leakage and exposure during the removal process.
Hormone Levels: While the brain and kidneys take mercury the hardest- mercury also affects the adrenal system. Once it has been absorbed by the blood stream, five consequences have been observed: it damages organ tissues, changes hormone concentrations, affects enzyme production, it accumulates hormone function regulating organs, and it also specifically interacts with sex hormones.
Additionally, mercury and testosterone combine to create a neurochemical that is toxic. However, estrogen appears to reduces its effect, offering a degree of protection.
Thyroid Damage: Low levels of mercury, like those from amalgam fillings, have an impact on thyroid hormone levels. Having a healthy thyroid is important for neurological function, and thyroid damage is particularly of danger to any woman intending to carry children.
Dangerous for Children: An ongoing study has shown that kids with mercury fillings have seen the mercury levels in their body increase each year. Additionally, ulcers, white patches, and burning-mouth sensation, have all been linked to amalgam fillings.
Medical officials have been well aware of the dangers of amalgam fillings for over a decade. There are records dating back to 2001 which report the increasing levels of mercury in the brain, liver, and kidneys of individuals with amalgam fillings. It has also been identified in the placenta and amniotic fluid of pregnant women, as well as in the black poop of newborns.
Despite the known dangers, amalgam fillings were used in children just over 2 years old. The next time you are at the dentist and you, or a loved one, is in need of a filling- make sure to ask your dentist what type of filling they use. If the answer is amalgam, then request an alternative.