Five Important Dental Health Facts About Amalgam Fillings
Amalgam fillings have a 50% base of mercury that has been combined with other metals. Research has shown the mercury can cause extensive damage to brain function and human tissue. Mercury is toxic to humans and the most common exposure of it is amalgam fillings. Here are 5 important facts… Read More
Family Dentist Brampton – Child Regular Dental Checkups
Making sure that your child gets regular dental checkups is just as important for their overall health as it is for adults. Even when they still have their baby teeth, dental checkups are important because it will ensure that their adults teeth grow in as healthy as possible. This, in… Read More
Cavity Prevention Tips For Kids – Dr Bhandal
Most of us know that regular oral hygiene care can help to prevent cavities, and hopefully that’s a bit of knowledge we regularly pass onto our kids. But, there are a few extra things kids can keep in mind when it comes to cavity prevention, and making sure they have… Read More
Porcelain Veneers Brampton
The porcelain crowns are used to replicate the look of natural teeth enamel which also provides resilience and desirable strength. Porcelain crowns are considered as the best choice when recreating the function and form of a destroyed tooth because the crown will replace the external portion of a particular tooth… Read More
3 Things You Could Lose if You Skip the Dentist
When you decide to skip going to the dentist, you end up causing yourself more harm than good. While it may seem frustrating to go to the dentist for simple cleanings and checkups, going without these seemingly trivial things can end up leading to hefty consequences. Below are the three… Read More